
Divorce in Quran and hadith

Divorce in Quran and hadith

Divorce in Quran and hadith

Before we discuss divorce in the Quran and Hadith, you should be aware that marriage is one of Allah Almighty’s most lovely bounties. Having someone to talk to, vent to when you’re sad, and confide in when you’re in a bad position is a tremendous favor from Allah Almighty. Marriage draws you closer to Allah as well. But that being said, not every marriage is successful. Some of them end in tragedy or anguish. The other half isn’t always compatible. Other times, there is a risk of abusive relationships, which, in any case, do occur and result in divorce.

You may also like to learn; 99 Names of Allah.

Divorce In Islam

And if you divorce them before consummating the marriage but after deciding on a dowry, pay half of the dowry, unless the wife graciously waives it, or the husband graciously pays in full. Graciousness is closer to righteousness. And do not forget kindness among yourselves. Surely Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.

In Islam, divorce is not considered a sin. If a couple wants to divorce, the husband can do it after four months of separation. In Islam, the separation period is four months if the couple wishes to reconcile during that time. After a four-month separation, the couple will reconnect to either divorce or reconcile.

If the couple decides to divorce, the Quran advises the pair to meditate. And both partners should be on the same page when it comes to discussing their property and child custody.

What are the types of divorce in Islam?

A marriage is a legally binding contract that can be broken at any moment. If the other half dies, it dissipates automatically. Aside from that, both genders have the legal and religious right to divorce. A husband has the right to give Talaq to his wife, which he cannot revoke, but the woman can limit it by Nikahnama. Only if the Nikahnama does not prohibit it, can a woman apply for divorce. Legal processes must be followed whether the relationship has been terminated by judicial divorce, Talaq, or Khula.

Types of Divorces in Islam:

  • Khula
  • Talaq
  • Judicial Divorce
  • Mutual Divorce

In Islam, how long after a divorce may you remarry?

When you divorce women and they have ˹almost˺ reached the end of their waiting period, either retain them honorably or let them go honorably. But do not retain them ˹only˺ to harm them ˹or˺ to take advantage ˹of them˺. Whoever does that surely wrong his own soul. Do not take Allah’s revelations lightly. Remember Allah’s favors upon you as well as the Book and wisdom He has sent down for your guidance. Be mindful of Allah and know that Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.

In Islam, childbearing women are required to wait for three menstrual cycles before remarrying. If the woman becomes pregnant during this time, her previous husband is free to marry her again. Women who are postmenopausal must also wait three months in case they become pregnant at that period. If a wedding terminates without being performed, the woman does not have to wait for a length of time before remarrying. However, it takes 4 months and 10 days for a woman to remarry after being divorced. They can exchange rings with a guy they like in the meanwhile.

What is the procedure of divorce in Islam?

Aside from the death of another half, divorce is the only way one can terminate his/her marriage. A couple can agree to divorce and can proceed through it in accordance with the court. In another way, a spouse can ask for a divorce from one another respectfully.

A wife can get a divorce by asking from her husband or by going to court. The reasons why a woman can get a separation are relatively restricted chronologically and conventionally. A woman may be eligible to receive and acquire a separation from her spouse for a variety of reasons, including physical or mental illnesses, incapacity to complete the marriage, or abandonment. Mutual divorce is the third form of divorce. The agreement in which both spouses agree that they are unable to continue in their marriage and mutually end it.

Quranic Verses on Divorce

And if you divorce them before consummating the marriage but after deciding on a dowry, pay half of the dowry, unless the wife graciously waives it, or the husband graciously pays in full. Graciousness is closer to righteousness. And do not forget kindness among yourselves. Surely Allah is All-Seeing of what you do

When two individuals marry but do not complete the wedding or other aspects of it, they are said to be in this circumstance. This is considered a sad condition in many countries, but it does not have to be finished. It is in one’s best interests to pacify all sides and ensure that no negative sentiments exist. Whether it’s paying the dowry or providing the family presents.

O Prophet! ˹Instruct the believers: ˺ When you ˹intend to˺ divorce women, then divorce them with concern for their waiting period, and count it accurately. And fear Allah, your Lord. Do not force them out of their homes, nor should they leave—unless they commit blatant misconduct. These are the limits set by Allah. And whoever transgresses Allah’s limits has truly wronged his own soul. You never know, perhaps Allah will bring about a change [of heart] later.

Allah alludes to the Iddah in this verse (Waiting Period). He advises guys to consider the waiting period before divorcing their spouses. The menstrual cycle is referred to as the iddah. If the woman is not on her period, she will have to wait three months. If they are menstruating, however, the delay will be three menstruations. If it is discovered that the woman is pregnant, she will wait until the baby is born. During the iddah period, a lady must remain within and only leave when absolutely necessary. They should also refrain from grooming themselves.


Divorce is not a sin in Islam; rather, it is permitted, and the marriage can be ended while adhering to the Islamic laws that govern divorce.  And if you fear a breach between the two, then choose an arbitrator from his people and an arbitrator from her people. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah shall effectuate concord among them. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, All-aware. Â