Learn Noorani Qaida in Urdu

Learn Noorani Qaida in Urdu with Online Madrasa
If you plan to enroll yourself or your kids in online Quran classes, the first step is enrolling in Noorani Qaida classes for beginners.
Online Madrasa took the initiative to teach Noorani Qaida in Urdu.
This diversified short course is a leading step towards the perfection of reading the Quran with Tajweed.
How does Noorani Qiada Help You?
When you plan your journey to learn the Quran, Noorani Qaida will be your first step.
Qaida means rules, customs, or regulations. When we start learning Noorani Qaida, it means we are going to learn a set of rules we will follow during Quran recitation.
It is a small booklet with complete rules regarding Quran recitation and the Arabic language.
This book will teach you the Arabic alphabet, Quran reading with proper tajweed rules, and Arabic pronunciation correctly.
Why Start from Noorani Qaida?
There are a few books available in the market that will guide you about the Arabic alphabet and Arabic pronunciation. But when you wisely choose an Islamic scholar to teach the Quran to your kids, He/she will always recommend you to start Quran learning from Noorani Qaida. Now let us know why.
Noorani Qaida is a basic booklet to introduce you to the Arabic language. It is comprehensively designed to take you step by step to the flawless and excellent Quran recitation.
The basic rules for Quran recitation described in this book by Molvi Noor Muhammad Ludhiyanvi will help you throughout Quran learning.
Each lesson in this book is depicted with the previous lesson. So, you can get command of your learnings ideally.
Online Noorani Qaida in Urdu
Online Madrsa is being led by experienced Quran tutors. They are trained to teach in the comfort of the students of all ages. Our platform introduced Online Noorani Qaida in Urdu. We have taught it to many students unfamiliar with the Arabic language.
In this course, we cover all the aspects of learning the Quran.
Join Noorani Qaida Classes in Urdu Today!
If you are unfamiliar with Arabic and have no tutor around you to teach the Quran, Online Madrasa is the best solution.
Whether you are a male or female, or you want to teach the Quran to your kids, Register here now to get the best experience of online Quran learning.
We have a dedicated team of male and female Quran teachers. Our 24/7 support team is always here to guide you toward the Quran learning expedition.