
How to Perform Hajj Guide for Beginners

How to perform hajj

the article is lengthy in size as it covers all the details about performing Hajj. That’s why we have divided it into two parts. the following is the first part

This article is a complete guideline for those who wonder how to perform Hajj. We will share it so that a beginner can get guidance from it.

Every year millions of Muslim brothers and sisters visit Makkah to perform Hajj. Hajj is an obligatory “Ebadat,” Those who have given financial strength from Allah Almighty are bound to perform Hajj once in a life. For your guidance, we have divided this article into 18 parts. By reading each part, you will clearly understand how to perform Hajj.

1. Intention (Niyah)

Before you reach Makkah, you must make a mind and intention within your heart that you are here for the sake of Allah. Allah SWT will reward you hereafter, and He will forgive your sins.

2. Ihram

After that, you will enter into the state of Ihram. Men have to wear white clothes consisting of two white sheets. One piece of the clothes should be wrapped around the shoulder while the other sheet around the waist. Women can wear any clothes but ensure they follow the criteria of hijab. The fac, however, must not be covered.

3. Tawaf

Tawaf is a complete anti-clockwise movement of the pilgrimage around the Ka’ba. One tawaf comprises 7 circles, with each circle starting and ending at the black stone. During tawaf, you need to thank Allah Almighty for His blessings.

4. Safa and Marwa

After the completion of tawaf, you will then perform “sa’i.” Sa’i is walking and running between Safa and Marwa. You will begin walking – Sa’i- at Safa until the green mark. You will have to run till the next green mark from the green mark. After the next green mark, you will walk till you reach Marwa. It will complete your one lap. You sa’i will complete once you complete seven laps between Safa and Marwa.

5. Shave/clip hairs

After sa’i, your Umrah ends. For men, they have to clip or shave their hair. For women, they have to cut their hair to the length of their fingertips. When it is all done, your Umrah completes. After that, you can leave Ihram until the 8th of Dhul Hajj.

6. 8th of Dhul Hajj

The days of Hajj started on the 8th of Dhul Hajj. On this day, you enter the state of Ihram once again, and once you are ready, you will begin the recitation of Talbiyah. Talbiyah is the words in which you glorify Allah SWT. Following are the words of Talbiyah

“Labbayka Allāhumma labbayk. Labbayk lā shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-ḥamda, wa n-‘imata, Laka wal mulk. Lā shareeka lak.”

Translation of Talbiyah: “Here I am, O Allah, here I am, here I am. You have no partner; here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours and all sovereignty. You have no partner.”

7. Mina

On the 8th of Dhul Hajj, you will arrive at Mina. Here, you will settle in your tent and pray your dhuhr, asr, maghrib, isha, and fajr in your tent. You will shorten your four units prayers into two units. Combining them is not permitted.

8. Arafah

On the 9th of Dhul Hajj, after performing fajr in Mina, you will move towards the Arafah. You will seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. When you reach the plains of Mount Arafah, you will perform dhuhr and asr prayers combined. On this day, a sermon is delivered from Masjid Nimrah, so make sure you listen to it.

10. Muzdalifah

After the sunset at Arafah, you will move towards Muzdalifah. Muzdalifah is a plan area between Mina and Arafah. When you reach Muzdalifah, you will perform maghrib and isha prayer one after another, shortening each prayer into two ra’kats. When you are done with the Salat, do some zikar, supplicate, and go to bed because you have to do a big task the next day.

11. Rami

Rami means stoning of the devil. It is an obligatory part of Hajj. For stoning, you can collect pebbles from Muzdalifah. In total, you will need 49 pebbles, but for precautionary measurement, you need to collect up to 60. On the 10th of Dhul Hajj, you will throw 7 pebbles at the Jamarat al-Aqaba, which is the big pillar. While stoning the devil, you have to say Allahu Akbar (Allah is The Greatest) on each throw.

12. Sacrifice

On the same day – the 10th of Dhul Hajj- you will perform your religious duty, that is sacrifice. The authorities will have already collected money from you for sacrifice. So, you don’t need to worry about it.

13. Shave/cut hair

10th Dhul Hajj is a busy day in terms of tasks. You have to do the Rami, pray Edi ul Adha Salat, do Qurbani, and shave or cut hair. After the sacrifice, all the male pilgrims will have to shave their hair. Women will have to cut their hair by the length of a fingertip. Try to use disposable blades for shaving hair. When you complete all the rites, it’s time to remove Ihram and wear clothes. You are now allowed to apply perfume and cut nails.

14. Tawaf al-ifadha

Tawaf-al-ifadha is an obligatory part of your Hajj rituals. After the shaving, you will move to Makkah for Tawaf-al-ifadha and sa’i. On the 10th and 12th of Dhul Hajj, the tawaf and sa’i can be performed. After the tawaf and sa’i, you are allowed to do what was prohibited before entering into Ihram. Even you can engage in marital relations. However, you will spend the night at Mina and continue your Hajj rituals.

15. Stoning of the devil

On the 11th of Dhul Hajj, you will perform the Rami again in the afternoon. This time the procedure will be different. You will have 21 pebbles in your hand and start with stoning Jamarah al-Ula (the small pillar), then Jamarah al-Wusta (the middle pillar), and then Jamarah al-Aqabah (the big pillar). Remember, you should stone every pillar with 7 pebbles, and on each pebble, you must shout the Takbeer. Also, you will have to stop after the first and second pebbles to make dua. Your face must point towards Qibla when you supplicate.

16. Night at Mina

After completing the second rami, you will return to Mina to spend the night.

17. The last Rami

On the 12th of Dhul Hajj, you will do the last Rami (stoning of the devil. The procedure is the same as for the second rami. At this, all your Hajj rituals come to an end. It is now a rest time for you. But before you depart for Makkah, don’t forget to perform the farewell tawaf.

18. Tawaf al-Wida

Tawaf al-Wida also called the farewell tawaf, is obligatory as told by the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. This tawaf is simple, and it doesn’t contain sa’i or trimming. You will do 7 laps of tawaf. After completing all 7 laps, you will pray to rak’at salah and drink zam zam water. After this, you may leave Makkah.

May Allah Almighty helps us to perform Hajj. Ameen

The day of Arafah has significant importance in Islam. So, pray for yourself, your family and friends, and the whole Muslim Ummah.